
"validConfig" is incorrectly expected to be an Object in "allValid" test util

le0nik opened this issue · 6 comments

This is the code in question: https://github.com/js-dxtools/webpack-validator/blob/v2.2.6/test/utils/allValid.js#L11

It's expected here, that input is always of type Object, although in tests very often strings are passed into it. Like here: https://github.com/js-dxtools/webpack-validator/blob/v2.2.6/src/properties/devtool/index.test.js#L13

Is this check for validConfig needed here at all? If yes, shouldn't it be checked for undefined instead?

I'm asking because I was trying to allow false value to be passed into devtool, because it's a valid value(see here: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/40aac864fd88495cd56dbec9bab522f8f34a47ea/lib/WebpackOptionsDefaulter.js#L11).

I add it on this line: https://github.com/js-dxtools/webpack-validator/blob/v2.2.6/src/properties/devtool/index.test.js#L13 like this:

  { input: false },

So false is obviously a falsy value and is not considered to be a validConfig, so the test throws.

I'm kind of stuck with the PR for devtool because of it. I suppose this check is a legacy code. Am I wrong?

Is this check for validConfig needed here at all? If yes, shouldn't it be checked for undefined instead?

I think you're correct 👍

Would you accept a PR for devtool where I'd also change this check to if (typeof validConfig === undefined)?


Ok, will do it soon.

The PR is here: #128
