
Support for CoffeeScript v2

igoramadas opened this issue · 4 comments

Any plans to update the module to use "coffeescript" instead of "coffee-script"? Seems the new v2 is available only as "coffeescript".

No such plans, sorry. We do not develop mincer anymore. Only do critical bugfixes. I can grant permissions to anyone who is able to maintain this project.

As far as i understand you can split-out CS wrapper as plugin and be independent on my opinion/plans. May be someone already did it in npm.

Hi @puzrin!

Although I don't have time to properly maintain the project, I could make the necessary changes to support newer versions of coffeescript from now on. If you're interested please give me the permissions and I'll create a pull request.

You don't need any special permissions to create PR. If it will be backward-compatible, i see no problems to accept it.

I was updating a really old application to remove some vulnerable dependencies and wanted to update to coffeescript@2. I did the following and it ended up working pretty well:

const mincer = require('mincer');
mincer.Template.libs.coffee = require('coffeescript');