
TxtReader is a JavaScript library to read text file in browsers based on FileReader API. It can read very large, huge, giant files (GB+). Demo: https://js1016.github.io/txt-reader/

Primary LanguageTypeScript


NPM version NPM downloads MIT License

TxtReader is a JavaScript library to read text file in browsers based on FileReader API. It can read very large, huge, giant files (GB+). It offloads the file reading operations to Web Worker so that it won't block browser UI rendering even when it is reading a very large file. And you can easily track the reading progress by using promise-like methods. Click here to check the demo




Get it via npm by adding txt-reader to your package.json or run:

npm install --save txt-reader


Do npm install --save txt-reader first and then you can use TxtReader as below:

var TxtReader = require('txt-reader').TxtReader;

ES2015 or TypeScript

Do npm install --save txt-reader first and then you can use TxtReader as below:

import { TxtReader } from "txt-reader"

HTML script tag

Alternatively you can download this project folder from Github and get the txt-reader.min.js from txt-reader/dist, then make a reference in <script> tag.

<script src="txt-reader.min.js"></script>

The txt-reader.min.js registers a global variable at window.TxtReader.


Instantiate the TxtReader

To start using TxtReader, we need to create an instance of TxtReader.

var reader = new TxtReader();

loadFile(file[ ,iteratorConfig])

After creating instance, we can load any text file into TxtReader using loadFile(), this method asynchronously goes through the text file and returns the line number. For large text file, it may take dozens of seconds to complete, we can use .progress(), .then() and .catch() to track the method running progress and results. This method accepts a customized iterator so you can do some initialization jobs towards each line in the text file.


reader.loadFile(file[, iteratorConfig])
.progress(function(progress) {
    // onProgress callback
    // progress (number): task progress in Number value from 1-100
.then(function(response) {
    // onComplete callback
    // response.timeTaken (number): task time taken in millisecond
    // response.result.lineCount (number): total line number
    // response.result.scope (object): if you assigned an iterator, the iterator "this" scope can be accessed here
.catch(function(reason) {
    // onFail callback
    // reason (string): failure reason


Parameter Type Description
file File The text file to be read, only supports UTF-8 encoding.
iteratorConfig Object Optional. The iteratorConfig allows you to run customized iterator function for each line in the text file during loading the file. For detailed usage, please check the iterateLines() method.
NOTE that inappropriate usage of iterator may bring performance issue.

Return value

This method returns an instance of TxtReaderTask, the TxtReaderTask implements three promise-like methods: .progress(), .then() and .catch().

Parameter Type Description
onProgress Function Function to execute for each task progress update message, taking one argument:
progress (Number): Indicating the current task progress in Number from 0-100.

Appends an onProgress handler to the TxtReaderTask and returns the TxtReaderTask.

Parameter Type Description
onComplete Function Function to execute when a task completes, taking one argument:
response (TaskResponse) where you can get the loadFile task execution time taken (millisecond) in response.timeTaken, the text file line number in response.result.lineCount and the iterator this scope in response.result.scope if a customized iterator was specified.

Appends an onComplete handler to the TxtReaderTask and returns the TxtReaderTask. The TaskResponse is an object with following structure.

interface ITaskResponse {
    timeTaken: number; // total time taken of the task
    message: string; // task response message
    result: any; // task execution result
Parameter Type Description
onFail Function Function to execute when a task fails, taking one argument:
reason (String): The failure reason

Appends an onFail handler to the TxtReaderTask and returns the TxtReaderTask.

getLines(start, count[, decode])

Get specific lines from a loaded text file. You need to load the file via loadFile() before calling this method. Similar to TxtParser.loadFile(file[ ,iteratorConfig]), this is also an asynchronous function and returns TxtReaderTask where you can chain .progress(), .then() and .catch() to get the task running progress and result.


reader.getLines(start, count, decode)
.progress(function(progress) {
    // onProgress callback
    // progress (number): task progress in Number value from 1-100
.then(function(response) {
    // onComplete callback
    // response.timeTaken (number): task time taken in millisecond
    // response.result (string[] or Uint8Array[]): lines collection in string array if decode is true or Uint8Array array if decode is false
.catch(function(reason) {
    // onFail callback
    // reason (string): failure reason


Parameter Type Description
start Number The line number of the first line to include in the returned array.
count Number The amount of lines to get.
decode Boolean Optional. Default value: true. Whether decode each line to string.

Return value

Same as loadFile() method, getLines() also returns an instance of TxtReaderTask. The results can be retrieved from response.result as an array in the onComplete callback.

getSporadicLines(sporadicLinesMap[, decode])

getLine() method can only get continuous lines. getSporadicLines() allows you to get sporadic lines from a loaded text file. You need to load the file via loadFile() before calling this method. Similar to loadFile(), this is also an asynchronous function and returns TxtReaderTask where you can chain .progress(), .then() and .catch() to get the task running progress and result.


reader.getSporadicLines(sporadicLinesMap, decode)
    .progress(function (progress) {
        // onProgress callback
        // progress (number): task progress in Number value from 1-100
    .then(function (response) {
        // onComplete callback
        // response.timeTaken (number): task time taken in millisecond
        // response.result ({lineNumber: number, value: string | Uint8Array}[]): lines collection in array, each item is an object containing two properties: lineNumber and value
    .catch(function (reason) {
        // onFail callback
        // reason (string): failure reason


Parameter Type Description
sporadicLinesMap SporadicLineItem[] The sporadicLinesMap is an array of SporadicLineItem to tell the reader which lines to get. The SporadicLineItem could be any of following three types:
1. A number to indiciate a specific line number
2. A range specified by the start line number and end line number, like: {start: 10, end: 15}
3. A range specified by the start line number and the amount of lines to get, like {start: 20, count: 5}
decode Boolean Optional. Default value: true. Whether decode each line to string.

Sample: reader.getSporadicLines([1, 5, 7, {start: 100, end: 102}, {start: 1000, count: 4}]) will get lines: 1, 5, 7, 100, 101, 102, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003.

Return value

Same as loadFile() method, getSporadicLines() also returns an instance of TxtReaderTask. The results can be retrieved from response.result as an array in the onComplete callback, each array item is an object containing two properties: lineNumber and value.


reader.getSporadicLines([1, {start: 10, count:2}])
    .then(function(response) {
         * The result will be something like:
         * [
         *   { lineNumber: 1, value: "string of line 1" },
         *   { lineNumber: 10, value: "string of line 10" },
         *   { lineNumber: 11, value: "string of line 11" }
         * ]

iterateLines(iteratorConfig[, start, count])

This method iterates all lines or a selected range of a loaded text file. You need to load the file via loadFile() before calling this method. Same as loadFile(), it is an asynchronous function and returns TxtReaderTask where you can use .progress(), .then() and .catch() to get the task running progress and result.


    eachLine: function(raw, progress, lineNumber) {
        // your iterator
        // raw (Uint8Array): the raw data of current line
        // progress (number): a more accurate progress number of the iterating process for current line
        // lineNumber (number): the line number of current line
        // You can call "this.decode(raw)" in your iterator to decode the raw data
    scope?: {
        // optional
        // You can initialize any properties or methods here and get/set the properties or call the methods via "this" in the "eachLine" callback.
        // The modified scope will be returned as "response.result" in the "onComplete" callback, the methods will be removed.
}, start, count)


Parameter Type Description
iteratorConfig Object Object to define the iterator method and the this scope of the iterator.
start Number Optional. The line number of the first line to iterate. If you don't specify the start and count arguments, it will iterate all lines in the text file.
count Number Optional. The number of lines to iterate.

The iteratorConfig

The iteratorConfig takes two properties:

Property Name Type Description
eachLine Function The iterator function to execute for each line in the selected range, taking three arguments:
raw (Uint8Array): the raw data of current line in Uint8Array format, you can use this.decode(raw) in iterator to decode it to readable string.
progress (Number): a more accurate progress number of the iterating process for current line
lineNumber (Number): the line number of current line
scope Object Optional. You can initialize any properties or methods here and get/set the properties or call the methods via this in the eachLine callback. The modified scope will be returned as response.result in the onComplete callback, the methods will be removed.

Note: The iterator function will execute in a Web Worker context, it cannot access your current JavaScript running context where you call this method, so please do not include any object/function reference from current context. You can define any helper methods and initial data in the scope and access them via this in eachLine method.

Return value

Same as loadFile() method, iterateLines() also returns an instance of TxtReaderTask. You can predefine any properties in scope and access the scope from this context in your iterator, the scope will finally be returned as response.result in the onComplete callback.

iterateSporadicLines(iteratorConfig, sporadicLinesMap)

iterateLines() method can only iterate continuous lines. iterateSporadicLines() allows you to iterate sporadic lines from a loaded text file. You need to load the file via loadFile() before calling this method. Similar to loadFiles(), this is also an asynchronous function and returns TxtReaderTask where you can chain .progress(), .then() and .catch() to get the task running progress and result.


    eachLine: function(raw, progress, lineNumber) {
        // your iterator
        // raw (Uint8Array): the raw data of current line
        // progress (number): a more accurate progress number of the iterating process for current line
        // lineNumber (number): the line number of current line
        // You can call "this.decode(raw)" in your iterator to decode the raw data
    scope?: {
        // optional
        // You can initialize any properties or methods here and get/set the properties or call methods via "this" in the "eachLine" callback, the methods will be removed.
        // The modified scope will be returned as "response.result" in the "onComplete" callback.
}, sporadicLinesMap)


Parameter Type Description
iteratorConfig Object Object to define the iterator method and the this scope of the iterator. Same as the iteratorConfig in iterateLines(). For detailed definition of this object, please check The iteratorConfig
sporadicLinesMap SporadicLineItem[] Same as the sporadicLinesMap in getSporadicLines() method, check Argument -> sporadicLinesMap for details

Return value

Same as loadFile() method, iterateSporadicLines() also returns an instance of TxtReaderTask. You can predefine any properties in scope and access the scope from this context in your iterator, the scope will finally be returned as response.result in the onComplete callback.

sniffLines(file, lineNumber[, decode])

sniffLines() method can sniff first given number lines of a text file without loading this file (knowing the total line count of the file). Unlike getLines() requires the file to be loaded via loadFile() first, sniffLines() method does not require the file to be loaded in prior. This method can be used when sometimes you don't want to load the whole file first but just want to sniff the first few lines of the file. Similar to getLines(), it is an asynchronous function and returns TxtReaderTask where you can chain .progress(), .then() and .catch() to get the task running progress and result.

Note: you can call this method on TxtReader no matter it already loaded a file or not, the pass in file will not be loaded or replace current loaded file in TxtReader.


reader.sniffLines(file, lineNumber, decode)
.progress(function(progress) {
    // onProgress callback
    // progress (Number): task progress in Number value from 1-100
.then(function(resposne) {
    // onComplete callback
    // resposne.timeTaken (Number): task time taken in millisecond
    // response.result (string[] or Uint8Array[]): sniffed lines collection in string array if decode is true or Uint8Array array if decode is false
.catch(function(reason) {
    // onFail callback
    // reason (String): failure reason


Parameter Type Description
file File The text file to be sniffed, only supports UTF-8 encoding
lineNumber Number How many lines to sniff. If you specify a number larger than the actual line count of the file, it will return all the lines of the file.
decode Boolean Optional. Default value: true. Whether decode each line to string.

Return value

Same as loadFile() method, sniffLines() also returns an instance of TxtReaderTask. The results can be retrieved from response.result as an array in the onComplete callback.



Type: Number

Returns the line number of the loaded text file. If no text file has been loaded, it returns 0. This is a readonly property.


Type: An object of TextDecoder in UTF-8 encoding.

If the browser natively supports TextDecoder, then it equals to new TextDeocder('utf-8'), otherwise consider it as a polyfill. This is a helper method in case you need to decode ArrayBuffer to text.


var reader = new TxtReader();
var file = document.getElementById('file-input').files[0];

reader.sniffLines(file, 5)
    .progress(function (progress) {
        console.log('Sniffing lines progress: ' + progress + '%');
    .then(function (response) {
        console.log('The first five lines are: ', response.result);
    .catch(function (reason) {
        console.log('sniffLines failed with error: ' + reason);

    .progress(function (progress) {
        console.log('Loading file progress: ' + progress + '%');
    .then(function (response) {
        console.log('Loading file completed in ' + response.timeTaken + 'ms, total lines: ' + response.result.lineCount);
    .catch(function (reason) {
        console.log('Loading file failed with error: ' + reason);

function exectueAfterLoadFileComplete() {
    reader.getLines(10, 10)
        .progress(function (progress) {
            console.log('Getting lines progress: ' + progress + '%');
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log('Lines are: ', response.result);
        .catch(function (reason) {
            console.log('Getting lines failed with error: ' + reason);

        eachLine: function (raw, progress, lineNumber) {
            if (this.contains2018(raw)) {
        scope: {
            count: 0,
            contains2018: function(raw) {
                return this.decode(raw).indexOf('2018') > -1;
        .progress(function (progress) {
            console.log('Iterating lines progress: ' + progress + '%');
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log(response.result.count + ' lines contain "2018"');
        .catch(function (reason) {
            console.log('Iterating lines failed with error: ' + reason);

    reader.getSporadicLines([1, { start: 10, end: 15 }])
        .progress(function (progress) {
            console.log('Getting lines 1, 10~15 progress: ' + progress + '%');
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log('Line 1 is: ' + response.result[0].value);
            console.log('Line 15 is: ' + response.result[response.result.length - 1].value);
        .catch(function (reason) {
            console.log('Getting lines 1, 10~15 failed with error: ' + reason);

        eachLine: function (raw, progress, lineNumber) {
            if (this.contains2018(raw)) {
        scope: {
            count: 0,
            contains2018: function(raw) {
                return this.decode(raw).indexOf('2018') > -1;
    }, [1, { start: 10, end: 100 }])
        .progress(function (progress) {
            console.log('Getting lines 1, 10~100 progress: ' + progress + '%');
        .then(function (response) {
            console.log(response.result.count + ' lines contain "2018"');
        .catch(function (reason) {
            console.log('Getting lines 1, 10~100 failed with error: ' + reason);

reader.utf8decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(['a'.charCodeAt(0)])) === 'a' // true

Browser Compatibility

txt-reader can run on most major browsers that support FileReader API and Web Worker.

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • IE11