This image allows you to debug a go app just creating a volume pointing your app.
The recommended way is to set the session is using docker-compose.
- create a volume mapping the /go/app directory to your project root one.
- map the debugger port, by default is 2345, this can be change by setting the env variable DEBUG_ADDR
- set the security_opt to seccomp:unconfined in order to run the container without the default secure computing mode.
note: while running in debug mode you need to connect the debugger client and your code will start running, you program execution will be blocked if you haven't connect your client.
- go to run and select edit configuration and add a new go remote profile.
- set the port if you change it while mapping them, and just run the new configuration.
VS Code
- create a launch.json file
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch",
"type": "go",
"request": "attach",
"mode": "remote",
"remotePath": "/go/app",
"port": 2345,
"env": {},
"args": [],
"showLog": true,
"trace": "verbose"
port will be 2345 y default, but if you changed it in the mapping process of the container it needs to be set here.
- go to Run/Start Debugging