
It looks like YOUR network has been temporary banned because of too many requests.

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console error is "Instagram Feed: It looks like YOUR network has been temporary banned because of too many requests. See #25"

latest 1.4.1 jQuery version, 61 string:
return void g.on_error("Instagram Feed: It looks like YOUR network has been temporary banned because of too many requests. See https://github.com/jsanahuja/jquery.instagramFeed/issues/25", 4);
It doesn't work with username.

How to fix it?

it happens every day, the error tells me that I'm banned, but why? to many requests?
Note: If I reload the page I'm using instagamFeed 20-30 times then I'll get this error until next day. Next day same problem after 20-30 times of reloading;
when I got this message nothing shows inside div#instafeed

Your demo page has same error

meanwhile 'tag' works normal,

my code as simple as it can be:

(function ($) {
$(window).on('load', function () {
'username': 'instagram',
'container': "#instafeed",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_gallery': true,
'styling': false,
'items': 12,
'items_per_row': 6,
'margin': 0,
'image_size': 150

if you put this jquery script in all the pages it will easly reach the request limit. (this was my case)
I tried to condition the script to the existance of the container, it limits the number of requests.
Not a solution but hope it helps.

(function ($) {
$(window).on('load', function () {
if  ($('#instafeed').length) {
'username': 'instagram',
'container': "#instafeed",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_gallery': true,
'styling': false,
'items': 12,
'items_per_row': 6,
'margin': 0,
'image_size': 150

if you put this jquery script in all the pages it will easly reach the request limit. (this was my case)
I tried to condition the script to the existance of the container, it limits the number of requests.
Not a solution but hope it helps.

(function ($) {
$(window).on('load', function () {
if  ($('#instafeed').length) {
'username': 'instagram',
'container': "#instafeed",
'display_profile': false,
'display_biography': false,
'display_gallery': true,
'styling': false,
'items': 12,
'items_per_row': 6,
'margin': 0,
'image_size': 150

Unfortunately it doesn’t help.

Actually I use
If ($(“#instaFeed”).length>0){ //initialize }

I use instagramFeed in every page of the site in footer.

The new client-side caching (cache_time) feature implemented in #97 (2.0.0 release) should deal with this.