
Change number of processors on an existing VM

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am so happy that I found this project. I have been banging my head the last week.

I have already imported a VM, and now I want to change the number of processors of the virtual machine. I can only find this in the CreateVirtualMachine (in VMMS_public.cs).

My question is: Is there a way to change the number of processors on an existing VM?

(I see that this is relates to another "issue" here (#7), where they want to change something on an existing VM).

Comment: The reason for changing in an existing VM is, that I use TPM, and the TPM is imported and checked against the Host Guardian Service. So it will not work for me to make a new VM, unless I can import only the TPM (I don't thisnk that is possible).

I think I just found a solution (I used the code from https://github.com/jscarle/HyperV.NET):

// Main program:
ManagementObject systemSettings = CreateSettings(Settings.System);
ManagementObject virtualMachine = GetVm.GetVmClass.GetVm(".", "MyVm");
ManagementObject processorSettings = GetRelatedSettings(systemSettings, Settings.Processor);
processorResource["VirtualQuantity"] = 4;
ModifyResourceSettings(new ManagementObject[] { processorSettings }, out _);

I used these functions from https://github.com/jscarle/HyperV.NET. But may have changed them a bit. Remember to include the WMI_extensions file form the repo (for ToStringArray() and more):

// Extra functions and stuff:

static internal ManagementObject CreateSettings(Settings settings)
            string hostname = ".";
            System.Management.ManagementScope virtualizationScope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(@"\\" + hostname + @"\root\virtualization\v2", null);

            using (ManagementClass managementClass = new ManagementClass(SettingsClass(settings)))
                managementClass.Scope = virtualizationScope;
                return managementClass.CreateInstance();

static internal void ModifyResourceSettings(ManagementObject[] resourceSettings, out ManagementObject[] resultingResourceSettings)
            string hostname = ".";
            System.Management.ManagementScope scope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(@"\\" + hostname + @"\root\virtualization\v2", null);

            using (ManagementObject managementService = WmiUtilities.GetVirtualMachineManagementService(scope))
            using (ManagementBaseObject inputParameters = managementService.GetMethodParameters("ModifyResourceSettings"))
                inputParameters["ResourceSettings"] = resourceSettings.ToStringArray();
                using (ManagementBaseObject outputParameters = managementService.InvokeMethod("ModifyResourceSettings", inputParameters, null))
                    WmiUtilities.ValidateOutput(outputParameters, scope);
                    resultingResourceSettings = ((string[])outputParameters["ResultingResourceSettings"]).ToObjectArray();

internal static ManagementObject GetRelatedSettings(ManagementObject instance, Settings settings)
            return WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(instance.GetRelated(SettingsClass(settings)));

Hello, please help me, thank you very much. I want to implement a custom system based on the image in the vhdx template, get the specified system installation based on the image name, and customize the password



我已经导入了一个虚拟机,现在我想更改虚拟机的处理器数量。我只能在 CreateVirtualMachine(在 VMMS_public.cs 中)中找到它。


(我发现这与这里的另一个“问题”( #7 )有关,他们想要更改现有虚拟机上的某些内容)。

评论:在现有 VM 中进行更改的原因是,我使用 TPM,并且导入 TPM 并根据 Host Guardian 服务进行检查。因此,除非我只能导入 TPM(我不认为这是可能的),否则我无法创建新的 VM。


// Main program:
ManagementObject systemSettings = CreateSettings(Settings.System);
ManagementObject virtualMachine = GetVm.GetVmClass.GetVm(".", "MyVm");
ManagementObject processorSettings = GetRelatedSettings(systemSettings, Settings.Processor);
processorResource["VirtualQuantity"] = 4;
ModifyResourceSettings(new ManagementObject[] { processorSettings }, out _);

我使用了https://github.com/jscarle/HyperV.NET中的这些函数。但可能已经改变了一些。请记住包含存储库中的 WMI_extensions 文件(对于 ToStringArray() 等):

// Extra functions and stuff:

static internal ManagementObject CreateSettings(Settings settings)
            string hostname = ".";
            System.Management.ManagementScope virtualizationScope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(@"\\" + hostname + @"\root\virtualization\v2", null);

            using (ManagementClass managementClass = new ManagementClass(SettingsClass(settings)))
                managementClass.Scope = virtualizationScope;
                return managementClass.CreateInstance();

static internal void ModifyResourceSettings(ManagementObject[] resourceSettings, out ManagementObject[] resultingResourceSettings)
            string hostname = ".";
            System.Management.ManagementScope scope = new System.Management.ManagementScope(@"\\" + hostname + @"\root\virtualization\v2", null);

            using (ManagementObject managementService = WmiUtilities.GetVirtualMachineManagementService(scope))
            using (ManagementBaseObject inputParameters = managementService.GetMethodParameters("ModifyResourceSettings"))
                inputParameters["ResourceSettings"] = resourceSettings.ToStringArray();
                using (ManagementBaseObject outputParameters = managementService.InvokeMethod("ModifyResourceSettings", inputParameters, null))
                    WmiUtilities.ValidateOutput(outputParameters, scope);
                    resultingResourceSettings = ((string[])outputParameters["ResultingResourceSettings"]).ToObjectArray();

internal static ManagementObject GetRelatedSettings(ManagementObject instance, Settings settings)
            return WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(instance.GetRelated(SettingsClass(settings)));

Hello, please help me, thank you very much. I want to implement a custom system based on the image in the vhdx template, get the specified system installation based on the image name, and customize the password

I no longer have access to an environment in which I can test this.