
Creates dynamic bits of HTML to add some zest to your content

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a dead-simple way to add dynamic bits of content to your webpage

See it in action: http://jordanscales.com/dynamo/

How does it work?

dynamo.js takes any portion of text and allows you to cycle through different content. Use it to add subtle effects to your webpage, or to make a particular section pop.

<p>I wish I could change one of these words.</p>
<p>I wish I could <span class="dynamo" data-lines="alter,edit,mutate,morph">change</span> one of these words.</p>

and activate it like so:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {


  • data-lines: the bits of content you want to cycle through (not including the original content)
  • data-speed: the speed of the transition (default: 350ms)
  • data-delay: the delay between transitions (default: 3000ms)
  • data-center: center the text in the dynamo container (default: false)


dynamo.js was inspired by a tagline rails app I had been working in the past, which gives you the ability to generate a random tagline on your webpage.

© 2012 Jordan Scales | MIT Licensed | See LICENSE.txt