Expected token type "Punctuator" but "Identifier" found when using deconstructing with defaultvalues
Plopsi opened this issue · 4 comments
When using object deconstruction with default values somwhere in a file jscs marks the first line as 'Expected token type "Punctuator" but "Identifier"'.
'use strict';
const Button = (props) => {
let {
variant: variant = 'primary',
} = props;
The preset used is airbnb.
grunt-jscs version is: 3.0.1 (updated from 2.8.0 where this error didn't happen)
It doesn't matter what is in the first line, even if theres just a linebreak it's marked as error. When 'use strict'; the error is on character 2, right behind the opening quotemark "'", if line is empty it's directly at the linestart.
Ran into this bug as well, exactly as described.
Reproduction steps above are identical to my scenario.
I'm sorry guys, but this is a issue with JSCS itself (and not with the Grunt task), and the development of JSCS has ceased.
You must not expect any new releases.
Thanks for pointing that out, @gustavohenke
@gustavohenke Please mark this repository as archived and add a note to the readme?