Clarification over block expression and anonymous function spaces
gunnx opened this issue · 1 comments
gunnx commented
If you have this code:
var x = (function(){
// do stuff
The rule "requireSpaceBeforeBlockStatements": true kicks in which conflicts with
"disallowSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression": {
"beforeOpeningRoundBrace": true,
"beforeOpeningCurlyBrace": true
Is this expected behaviour? It would be useful to get feedback on usage of rules that are conflicting.
I found the spacing rules around function declaration/expressions named/anonymous a bit confusing.
gustavohenke commented
I agree, that's strange and may be a bug, but you should report this to JSCS core instead.
@markelog, @mikesherov and the other guys will make the best to help you.