
Remove grunt-bump task

markelog opened this issue · 5 comments

I hate it, i never hate something so strongly in my life!

@gustavohenke can we switch to more normal release process, like https://github.com/jscs-dev/node-jscs/blob/master/MAINTAIN.md#user-content-publishing-a-new-version?

Wow, so much hate!

I don't understand what's wrong. How do you suggest to the following (currently done by grunt-bump)?

  • Bump the version in package.json;
  • Commit this change;
  • Create a tag;
  • Push commits and tags.

Do you prefer to do these steps manually?

Hmmm... seems like you had problems with them, so I kinda understand :D

npm version would do that for us :-), so counting git push we would have two commands.

Hmmm... seems like you had problems with them, so I kinda understand :D

Not for the first time :((((

I'll take this one, you win @markelog ;)

Hooray! :-)