
JSCS unreasonably complain about the beginning of a js file

arefed-zz opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using gulp-jscs 4.0
I get this error at the beginning of the first line of one of my js files:
Expected token value ":" but = found at /Users/arefe/workspaces/workspace/core-tools-libs/modules/visualizations/src/react-visualization/tables/crosstab/crosstab-transform.js :
1 |'use strict';
2 |
3 |import IndiceeTransformer from '../../indicee-transformer/indicee-transformer';

it looks like the error is independent of what is in that line of code, as when I changed it to whatever, it still complains. Any idea how I can fix this? I have other files with the exact same first few lines which pass the jscs, only this one is an issue.

I can also reproduce this problem.