Error running rule jsDoc throws TypeError: node.getFirstToken is not a function
mtpultz opened this issue · 3 comments
mtpultz commented
Using the config below in my .jscsrc file for jsDoc throws an error. Removing jsDoc from the config stops all the errors, and everything works.
"jsDoc": {
"checkAnnotations": true,
"checkParamExistence": true,
"checkParamNames": true,
"requireParamTypes": true,
"checkRedundantParams": true,
"checkReturnTypes": true,
"checkRedundantReturns": true,
"requireReturnTypes": true,
"checkTypes": "strictNativeCase",
"enforceExistence": {
"allExcept": ["exports"]
"requireHyphenBeforeDescription": true,
"disallowNewlineAfterDescription": true,
"requireDescriptionCompleteSentence": true,
"requireParamDescription": true
Error running rule jsDoc: This is an issue with JSCS and not your codebase.
Please file an issue (with the stack trace below) at:
TypeError: node.getFirstToken is not a function
at findDocCommentBeforeNode (D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc.js:265:24)
at Object.getJsdoc (D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc.js:237:19)
at Object.checkParamExistence (D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc\check-param-existence.js:14:14)
at D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc.js:128:27
at Array.forEach (native)
at Object.<anonymous> (D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc.js:127:32)
at Array.forEach (native)
at Object.JsFile.iterateNodesByType (D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs\lib\js-file.js:595:42)
at D:\projects\app\node_modules\jscs-jsdoc\lib\rules\validate-jsdoc.js:120:18
markelog commented
Is jscs-jsdoc included in your deps?
mtpultz commented
Hi @markelog, yah I have "jscs-jsdoc": "^2.0.0",
installed, but I noticed I had this in my config as well:
"plugins": [
Removing this stops the error, I would assume this is needed and without it the jsDoc tests are not run, but I don't see this in the presets for Google or others, and they include jsDoc. I pulled it from the example at
markelog commented
"plugins": [
Yeah, this is redundant, jsdoc is jscs dependency for some time now, just remove it - should work fine without it