
Add `templateStrings` as an option for the `allExcept` property of the `maximumLineLength` rule

adamreisnz opened this issue · 2 comments

As per the issue title, can we add templateStrings as an option for the allExcept property of the maximumLineLength rule?

Especially with Angular templates some lines can get a bit lengthy, and I'd like to not have JSCS trip over them.

PS, this must be one of the first repositories of a large project that I've seen with 0 open issues 👍

PS, this must be one of the first repositories of a large project that I've seen with 0 open issues

There is a reason for that :/, see
https://medium.com/@markelog/jscs-end-of-the-line-bc9bf0b3fdb2 and

We are not adding new features at this time

Ah bugger :)