- 3
requireSpaceAfterKeywords and generator functions
#2168 opened by jsumners - 19
- 6
requireImportsAlphabetized page doesn't load on
#2214 opened by ljharb - 4
- 4
Error running rule disallowUnusedParams: This is an issue with JSCS and not your codebase.
#2212 opened by bcowgill - 5
CST process out of memory
#2221 opened by TheSavior - 4
Internal Error: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
#2175 opened by xadh00m - 0
- 6
- 2
validateIndentation and indent_to_bracket in jscs3
#2232 opened by minj - 7
Unusual indentation enforcement
#2210 opened by DarkArc - 1
- 1
Possible bug in validateQuoteMarks
#2198 opened by monoblaine - 1
requireShorthandArrowFunctions should not fire for functions that do not return
#2196 opened by fluky - 1
- 1
disallowQuotedKeysInObjects triggers on 64-bit integers which need to be quoted
#2183 opened by kentonv - 1
jscs autofix failed to convert escaped slash
#2172 opened by AuthorProxy - 1
- 4
- 7
Internal error, AssertionError: Unable to add an error, `column` should be a positive number but -1 given
#2190 opened by GarryFlemings - 0
- 6
jscs 3.0.3: Multiline strings with a # incorrectly flagged as "Unterminated string constant"?
#2228 opened by sverweij - 4
- 1
- 1
disallowObjectKeysOnNewLine seems not to do what it says
#2229 opened by bcowgill - 3
Rule shown in message for programmatic API
#2235 opened by Arcanemagus - 1
excludeFiles: exclude project except several directories
#2194 opened by DenJel7 - 1
unexpected reports from requireTemplateStrings
#2195 opened by GarryFlemings - 1
- 2
- 5
Memory leaks in version >=3.0.0
#2225 opened by poohitan - 1
tabs indentation is removed by the fix option
#2234 opened by bcowgill - 2
Error running rule requireObjectKeysOnNewLine
#2224 opened by fernandopasik - 4
Weird behavior of validateIndentation - emptyLines
#2218 opened by jblandry - 3
- 4
Add the rule disallowPaddingNewLinesBeforeUseStrict
#2176 opened by nikini - 0
Documenting 3.0 Changes
#2216 opened by hzoo - 1
Add rule to forbid usage of unknown globals
#2200 opened by Alexsey - 3
- 5
breaking change in v3 with disallowQuotedKeysInObjects
#2213 opened by ljharb - 21
Unsupported rule: requireSpacesInsideImportedObjectBraces
#2209 opened by alexpts - 0
- 0
- 3
Indentation problems with arrays
#2192 opened by brupelo - 1
Conflict between two rules because function* is not considered as a keyword
#2185 opened by Skywalker13 - 3
disabling rules that are set inside of a preset?
#2187 opened by tconroy - 8
npm ERR: "version not found: left-pad@0.0.3"
#2186 opened by Krinkle - 2
requireNewlineBeforeSingleStatementsInIf is broken
#2182 opened by minj - 3
- 3