PostTarget attribute does not work
diliptekwani opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello Team,
We are facing an issue from this Monday where we are now unable to push our release on GitHub using postTarget attribute of version.
We are first using @jscutlery/semver:version executor to generate version and tag for release, which is working correctly, then after this we are using postTarget to run @jscutlery/semver:github executor to publish release on GitHub but this failing constantly.
The error that we are getting is listed below:
Also our configuration is this one
"version": {
"executor": "@jscutlery/semver:version",
"options": {
"preset": "conventionalcommits",
"changelogHeader": "Changelog",
"postTargets": ["{projectName}:github"],
"baseBranch": "main",
"remote": "origin",
"push": true,
"dryRun": false,
"tagPrefix": "{projectName}@V-",
"trackDeps": true,
"preid": "main",
"commitMessageFormat": "chore({projectName}): release version {version} [skip ci]"
"github": {
"executor": "@jscutlery/semver:github",
"options": {
"tag": "${tag}",
"notes": "${notes}",
"generateNotes": true,
"target": "main",
"prerelease": false,
"draft": false,
"title": "Release",
"repo": ""
Can anyone help us out in knowing where we have problem.
Please note, same configuration was working till last Friday, from Monday it had stopped working.