
Extra paragraph added

sjaloomconnect opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I am using this plugin and have added the "addLineBreaks={false}", but somehow when rendering the html output, an extra empty paragraph is added after each paragraph.

I checked the html (just before rendering), and there is no empty paragraph in there.

What to do?

I am using this plugin and have added the "addLineBreaks={false}", but somehow when rendering the html output, an extra empty paragraph is added after each paragraph.

I checked the html (just before rendering), and there is no empty paragraph in there.

What to do?

 Hello! Did you find the solution?

Hello! I have experienced this as well, have you found the solution yet ?

With refrerence to this
Add props to your HTMLView

Works for me.

Put your HTML content inside p tag. @sjaloomconnect

const htmlContent = `<p>${_html-content_}</p>`
<HTMLView value={htmlContent} />