
Check list of cached torrents

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I know that I can use resolveurl to check one magnet link to see if it's cached, is it possible to add support to check a list of infohash's to see if they are cached?
I know the Rd,pm,ad ... Api supports that.
It will help a lot I think instead of checking one by one.
Thank you.

Though the api supports it, ResolveURL by nature receives a single link from an addon to resolve it to a playable url. It is not receiving multiple links at a time so cant be done in ResolveURL. You have to codethe api call in your addon if you want to check for a list.

Yes I can but I will need to do that for every debrid service,
If it was supported by resolveurl, it would be super easy to use simply call for check_hash_list and your done .
Don't you think?