
Handling Missing Decimal Separators in BALAMT Field for Brazilian OFX Files

antoniospneto opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello ofxparse team,

I'm encountering a specific issue with the ofxparse library when importing OFX files from Itaú Bank in Brazil, particularly with the BALAMT (balance amount) field.

The values in this field lack decimal separators (no dot or comma), causing misinterpretation of monetary amounts.
For example, a value like '12345' in the OFX file should be read as '123.45' but is currently interpreted as '12345'.

This seems to be a common issue with OFX files in Brazil, especially for the balance amount. Is it possible to update ofxparse to automatically treat the last two digits in the BALAMT field as decimal places to accurately represent the monetary values?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.