
Volterra Integral Equation Solver

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Volterra Equation Solver

This implements two methods for solving Volterra integral equations of the first kind,

volterra equation

These are integral equations for the function f where g and K are known functions. Note the t in the integration bounds. The factor (t-s)^{-\mu} accounts for any singularities in the kernel K. In other words, if you have an integral equation such that K(t,t) is unbounded (singular) and K(t,s) diverges like (t-s)^{-\mu} as t->s, rewrite it in the form above (so that K is well-behaved part of the origial kernel).

The methods used are based on [Linz, Ch. 10][1]. However, I have derived some of the formulas used here myself, since I had trouble implementing the formulas provided in the text. In any case, the spirit of the methods were inspired by the book.


The integral equation (taken from P. Linz, [Analytical and Numerical Methods for Volterra Equations][1])

example eqn

has the exact solution

example soln

>>> import volterra
>>> def g(t):
...   return 2*t*np.arctanh(np.sqrt(t/(t+1))) / np.sqrt(t+1) + 2*np.sqrt(t)
>>> def K(t,s):
...     return 1 + t + s
>>> dt = 0.1
>>> t = np.arange(0.0, 100*dt, dt)
>>> F = volterra.block(K, g, dt, 100, mu=0.5)
>>> np.allclose(F, 1/(1+t), atol=1e-2, rtol=0.0)
>>> plot(t, F, '.')
>>> plot(t, 1/(1+t), 'k-')

example plot [1]: http://epubs.siam.org/doi/book/10.1137/1.9781611970852


  • At the moment, the solvers only work for mu=0.5, but fixing this should be easy (I already have the needed formulas and it's just a matter of typing them out in Python)
  • The block method needs a value for f(0) in order to start. You can supply a value with the optional argument F0. If you don't provided a value, block will attempt to find a value, however it may choose poorly so beware!