0.0.12 - generated skeleton redundant routes
necrodome opened this issue · 4 comments
necrodome commented
Newly generated code still adds the following routes, which makes miso run fail.
"/": { "method": "get", "name": "home", "action": "index" },
"/user/:user_id": { "method": "get", "name": "user", "action": "edit" }
jsguy commented
Ah, are you using a skeleton in this instance?
What command did you run to make this happen?
necrodome commented
I mean the default skeleton: miso -n miso-todo
jsguy commented
Argh, my bad - this is now fixed in 0.0.13, can you please see if that works for you?
necrodome commented
Yes, 0.0.13 fixes it. Thank you.