
Create community page

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Simple markdown page, a few pictures from our events and some texts that we can reuse when we have collaborations with other communities

Some features that would bring some impact within the community would be:

  1. a calendar with all the events that happen inside the community
  2. a sign-up form that allows someone to submit an idea for a talk
  3. a short history page with past events

A great outcome would be a centralized place where all the relevant information can be linked. So every time some1 asks about details, we tell them jsheroes.io/community/
The calendar view can give an overview of the future and of event occurrence.
The signup form can empower people to propose and hold meetups.
One option for the form could be

  • full talk (1h)
  • lighting talk (15m)
    and thus 3 lighting talks could result in one event.