
installMotion.sh dependency

Closed this issue · 4 comments

https://github.com/Motion-Project/motion has a new dependency in .travis.yml that needs libavdevice-dev which is not present in the container. Apt repo needs to be updated then libavdevice-dev needs to be installed.

Workaround is:
docker exec -ti container_name /bin/bash
apt-get update
apt-get install libavdevice-dev
docker stop container_name
docker start container_name

confirmed - i run into the same problem today while recreating container.
does it make any sense to fetch motion on container startup and rebuild it from source?
shouldn't it be bundled inside of container image and compiled on docker build?

@asquelt Motion needs to be built on every platform. For some reason motion binaries built on Intel systems don't always work on AMD systems. I haven't dug further to find the source of that issue, but instead added the build on the container's first start.

@lisco42 Thanks for pointing that out. I've included libavdevice-dev into the dependencies list. Please try out the newest container and let me know if it works.

@jshridha Seems to work for me after recreation, thank you :)