
No certificate available

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am trying Ionscale, but after manual install (not Docker), it fails to provision certificate. Can you please point me to some logs so I can figure out what went wrong?

Thank you


It indeed seems the ACME provider broke in a recent update, in the mean time you can always generate certificates through something like acme.sh or use Caddy and reverse proxy the ionscale server.


Hi @frost-cqre and @MaxwellSchmidt97

Unfortunately, no extra logs are configured for the acme provider (yet).

But can you share your configuration? Because the snippet below is still working for me with release 0.8.2:

server_url: "https://<my domain>"

  acme: true
  acme_email: "<my email>"

Note the acme: true.
The docs were saying acme_enabled: true incorrectly and are now updated with the correct property.

Other things the check when using acme:

  • make sure ionscale can bind on port 80 and 443
  • your server running ionscale is publicly reachable on port 80 and 443
  • DNS entries are correctly set and pointing to your server

Hope this helps to get it up and running

Release v0.9.0 adds additional log support for certmagic, it will hopefully show more information