
Sponsor: Advania

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Sponsor: Advania

@axelg12 did you reach out to them already?

Yes I've reached out. Will keep you posted

Við erum alveg tilbúin að halda svona hitting aftur, en ágúst er eiginlega ekki góður tími, hvaða aðrir mánuðir kæmu til greina?

What month should I ask them about ?

Offer them November?

I already asked them for October, aiming for the bimonthly theme #32. With that we would need to get August, October and December. Sigrún is on a holiday though until the 15 of august.

Sent another email, asking for September if possible.

Advania said late September might for them !
"Hæ, hæ,
Já, það gæti vel gengið.
Hvaða dagsetning væri þetta?
Við myndum fara í nánari skipulagningu með ykkur eftir haustráðstefnuna okkar, sem er 4. Sept, þar sem það er allt á floti núna hjá okkur vegna hennar."

@kristjanmik should I offer them 3rd week of September ?

Awesome! Shouldn't we aim for the second week since it has been so long since our last one? What about the 10th of September?

Tried asking for the 10th but they said it was too early. Go for the 24th ?

Advania will host on the 17th ! 🎉

🎆 🎈 🎊

Will they have a talk to go into the TBA slot in the September schedule or is it up for grabs @axelg12?

Don't know, I'll contact Sigrún after this week because of their conference. Do you have anyone in mind ?

I think @alexcouper has a talk he want's to do so I was wondering if he should do a PR against the September schedule or the October one.

I'm closing this issue down. Please redirect all non-advania related talk to #38