
Sponsor: Íslandsbanki

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I've reached out to @joddsson about it.

People are on holiday, I'm checking back in after the weekend.

I am very sorry for never getting around to do this but better late then never.

I mentioned this to Pétur Sigurðsson, the head of Channel Solutions(front end stuff) department, and he was excited about the idea. You should contact him at petur.sigurdsson@islandsbanki.is and take it from there. Please feel free to contact me if you run into any problems.

Again, I am sorry about the delay and I hope this helps.

Awesome, thanks @Joddsson for getting back to us!

I'm emailing Pétur, hoping nobody has done so already 😁

Email sent 📬

Apparently @axelg12 already sent them a email :rage4: I'll go talk to him IRL and see what's what.

They are not down for November, but are open for some other months. I think @koddsson took over this one, right ?

Dah, I'm in email contact with Pétur 📭