
Visual Studio 2019: How to use Platform Toolset v140_xp?

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I've had trouble finding the proper v140_xp toolset; it's still available as a deprecated option in Visual Studio Installer, in the "Individual components" tab -> https://stackoverflow.com/a/60691678/5510196
It's not installed in the default "C++" workload, and a warning yells as such (+ there's a lots of "window.h" inclusion errors).

Note² : default output dir is ..\..\Notepad++\plugin, that has to be copied into the actual Notepad++'s plugin directory. When done, the component has to be "installed" through Plugin Admin, and requires the editor's rerun. When done, the Compare menu should appear inside the "Plugins" menu.

Just put here, as anyone (including a future me) may run into this course. I don't know what will happen when the v140_xp deprecated packet will be removed though.