
Extracts item details from a specified Etsy shop to CSV file

Primary LanguagePython

Etsy Shop Scraper

This script extracts item details from a specified Etsy shop page and saves them into a CSV file.


  • Extracts item name, price, number of reviews, and the direct URL to the item from the Etsy shop.
  • Option to provide the Etsy shop URL as a command-line argument.
  • Debug mode to save the raw HTML content of each item page, useful for inspection or troubleshooting.


  1. Install required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Run the script:

    • Without URL argument (will prompt for URL):

      python script.py
    • With URL argument:

      python script.py --url "https://www.etsy.com/shop/ShopName"
    • With debug mode (saves raw HTML):

      python script.py --debug


  • The extracted details are saved into a CSV file in the "output" directory. The filename is based on the shop's name and includes a timestamp.

Debug Mode:

If the --debug flag is active, the script will save the raw HTML content of each item page to a "debug" folder, aiding in inspection and troubleshooting.