
Thanks for visiting our poster and scanning the QR code!

This repo contains the poster PDF along with the presentation slides. Feel free to download them. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to jsmentch@mit.edu

Find us online: Senseable Intelligence Group homepage

Jeff Mentch's homepage

Jian Li (Andrew)'s homepage. Andrew developed the NASCAR method, check out his papers and the code if you would like to try it. It is written in Matlab and well documented, easy to use.

Satra Ghosh's homepage

Below you will find the data that could not fit on the poster! The first image is the Gale-Shapley matched spatial components from resting state (columns 1 and 2) and the movie, The Present. The second image shows all of the temporal modes of the components from Despicable Me with top 5 most highly correlated corresponding movie features.

Gale-Shapley matched spatial components

Temporal components from Despicable Me with top 5 correlated movie features