
A simple action to build separate docker images for dependencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docker dependencies

This action is intended to build a Docker image separately from its dependencies using builkit.

Building images using this strategy can allow you to speed up your CI/CD pipeline by avoiding building the same bootstrap image every time.

Caching this dependency image can also speedup your production build if done correctly.

This action will build the intermediary image and push it to a repository. Next time this action runs, the image will be donwloaded instead (if the intermediary_image_as matches an existing image).

Then the action will only build/cache your intermediary image. Building the final image is still up to you.


You should build your final image using DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1



An important notion to understand is how this action decides if a new intermediary image is necessary.

If you're using this action your Dockerfile will have (at least) two FROM statements. This action will consider that the first FROM statement is your intermediary image, and the next FROM statements depend on that image.

In order to get a value representing the need of a new image we need a hash of:

  • all the files upon which the intermediary image depends (dependency locks, any scripts...)
  • The first FROM statement of the Dockerfile (in case you change the 2nd image only, the intermediary does not need to be rebuilt)

The first hash is up to you, the developer. You can pass whatever value you want, and if no files are used, you can pass an empty string. The second hash will be computed automatically by this action, it will read the Dockerfile from the first line and the first FROM statement until the next and hash the read part.


		- name: Build docker image and dependencies
		  id: deps
		  uses: jsmrcaga/action-docker-build-dependencies
		  	dockerfile_path: '.'
		  	docker_username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
		  	docker_password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
		  	docker_registry: ghcr.io

		  	# Allow the action to read and compute intermediary hash from given hash and Dockerfile
		  	# Very useful if you change the "dependency" part of your Dockerfile
		  	compute_dockerfile_hash: true
		  	intermediary_hash: hash-of-my-dependencies
		  	intermediary_image_as: my-image

		  	# Url WITHOUT tag. The tag is the computed hash
		  	intermediary_image_url: https://ghcr.io/OWNER/my_intermediary_image
		  	intermediary_build_flags: --build-arg NODE_ENV="development"

		  	# Pushes the intermediary image in after your workflow runs
		  	should_push_intermediary_image: true

		- name: Build final image
		  run: DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t my_image:my_tag --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=${{ steps.deps.outputs.intermediary_tag }} .


Name Required Description
dockerfile_path No The path to your Dockerfile's directory. Used to find the Dockerfile to hash and also to run the docker build command.g Defaults to ./
docker_username No Username to login to Docker registry
docker_password No Password to login to Docker registry
docker_registry No Registry to which to login. Defaults to "empty" which in turn defaults to Docker Hub
compute_dockerfile_hash No Defaults to false. If this action should compute a hash of the first part of your Dockerfile (from the 1st line until the 2nd FROM)
intermediary_hash Yes Should be the hash of any necessary files (ex: package.json, package-lock.json, requirements.txt ...) and will be used to compare if a new image is necessary or if the one in cache can be used. This will be rehashed with the Dockerfile hash if necessary.
intermediary_image_as Yes The name of the intermediary file as described in your Dockerfile. This will be used to build that image using --target
intermediary_image_url Yes This is the url without version used to find or publish the intermediary image. I personally use GitHub registry as a cache and upload my images where necessary (Docker Hub/ECR)
intermediary_build_flags No Any build flags you would like to append to the build command
should_push_intermediary_image No Defaults to true. If this action should push your intermediary image after your workflow runs

The build command template looks like this:

	docker build 
		--target ${ inputs.intermediary_image_as }
		-t ${ inputs.intermediary_image_url }:${final_hash}
		${ inputs.intermediary_build_flags  }
		${ inputs.dockerfile_path }


		types: [published]

		runs-on: ubuntu-latest

		- name: Hash dependency files
		  id: deps_hash
		  echo: "::set-output name=dependency_hash::${{ hashFiles('package.json', 'package-lock.json') }}"

		- name: Build docker image and dependencies
		  uses: jsmrcaga/action-docker-build-dependencies
			docker_username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
			docker_password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
			docker_registry: ghcr.io

			intermediary_hash: ${{ steps.deps_hash.outputs.dependency_hash }}
			intermediary_image_as: intermediary_image_as_in_dockerfile

			# Note that your image name can be whatever you want (after my_username)
			intermediary_image_url: https://ghcr.io/my_username/my_image_name
			intermediary_build_flags: --build-arg NODE_ENV="development"
# Automatic hash will begin here

ARG base_image=intermediary_image_as_in_dockerfile

# This is the name of the intermediary image you need to set on the workflow config
FROM node as intermediary_image_as_in_dockerfile

COPY ./package.json /myapp
COPY ./package-lock.json /myapp

npm i

# Automatic hash will end here

# Note the $base_image is the arg name
FROM $base_image

COPY . /myapp

CMD run my app