
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Advent of Code runner

This repo obviously contains my solutions for Advent of Code

However, if you want to use it as a template please feel welcome to:

  • Clone the repo
  • Delete any "year" folders (./2020 for example)
  • Add a folder with the current year
  • Add folders with each "day" of the Advent calendar


npm i


You can also install as a global executable with:

npm i -g

Note that there is no package name after -g. This is because you are installing the current directory's package.json package as global (this repo).


To run any day on the calendar just run

node run.js <day>

For example:

node run.js 3

if you need to run any specific year

node run.js 3 -y 2021


node run.js 3 --year 2021


If you installed the package globally, you can replace node run.js with advent.


advent 3 --year 2021

Writing your scripts:

Inside every "day" folder you should have a file called script.js

Your scripts should export a function, but if they don't they'll just be run when required by the runner.

The basic shape of a script looks like this

module.exports = ({ options, variables }) => {
	// do something
	return result;

Internally the runner uses argumentate to parse options passed from the CLI.

Argumentate exposes options (ex: advent --year has a year option) and variables (ex: advent 3 has a variable called 3).

These are propagated to every script, meaning that you can pass any options and variables you want.

For example

advent 3 --year 2021 --debug -i 45

Would result in

options = {
	year: '2021',
	debug: true,
	i: '45'

variables = ['3']

Please note that type casting is not performed automatically. And that option mapping is not available in this repo