
onChange triggered twice on Checkboxes

sinqinc opened this issue · 1 comments


I have a problem with the onChange event with the new decorator with checkboxes. The event is triggered twice every time the form is loaded and twice when a changed is made.

I'm using updateOn: 'blur'; and it's probably what is causing the issue. I had no such problem with the other decorator but the the model doesn't get updated if the input is removed by a condition. Now the model is updated but the "onBlur" and onChange doesn't seems to work well.

 "type" : "objet",
    "properties" : {
	var1: {
        "items" : {
            "enum" : [ 
            "type" : "string"
        "type" : "array",
        "title" : "Oui ou Non 'checkboxes'"

options.ngModelOptions={ updateOn: 'blur' };
				 options.onChange = function(modelView, newVal) {

@sinqinc can you try with the latest alpha and let me know if that improves things at all?