
Help resolve current pinning to 1.8.6 for JSONata-Wrapper (possibly ducktape compatibility)

pibara opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, after an attempt to get 2.x running, the Python wrapper has been pinned to using 1.8.6.

The hope was that wrapping invocation to use the async API would be enough to make it work, but it appears something else is stopping it from functioning. My current hypothesis is that 2.x uses new javascript features unsupported by DukTape.

Es6/7 support in DuckTape is limited, so IF 2.x now uses ES6/7 features not fully supported by DuckTape, this could be the reason that we can't get the python wrapper to work with 2.0.

I have three questions for this issue:

  • Answer if 2.X is currently ineed uses ES6/7 features that aren't fully supported by duktape
  • If the awnser to this is yes, if 2.X can be made duktape compatible again

If the awnsers are respectively yes for the first and no to the second, that means a rewrite of the Python wrapper using STPyV8 could be needed in order to support 2.x. V8 isn't light weight, and a rewrite will take substantial work, so if this could be avoided that would be great.