
Bug when publishing

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When I try to publish and run on another computer, it never works. Even the most simple sample does not work. The problem just won't open. I even tried to have the sample not try to go to a page and it still does not work. However, if I created the sample app with just a welcome text with no reference to the webview, then it works fine. Even tried to publish and do as self contained just in case its an issue of wrong .net core version on the target machine. To reproduce the problem, do the following:

  1. publish the sample.
  2. copy all the files to another computer that does not have visual studio installed.
  3. run that exe.
    Most likely, it will not run at all. I hope there is a way to fix it because it would be a real disappointment if those apps only work on the machines that has visual studio installed on it.

You will need to install or bundle the visual c++ 2019 runtime.

However I will publish a version shortly that uses the microsoft interop, and won’t need any additional installs

That would be good. Can you also make it include what is necessary for chrome. Before getting the response, I installed visual studio on the other computer just to guarantee i was able to move on. However, now, even the tutorial crashes on the other machine. I assume it has to do with chrome. That unfortunately, would make it still difficult to distribute the apps to other computers.

First of all, thanks for this initiative. I followed the tutorial and got the bazor app running inside a wpf app. Nice. But when publishing the wpf app, it works, but the window does not show the blazor app (some vage js error, app html is not loaded), no matter what publish settings.
I think it is a very important bug, because no one will use this if the app does not work once published.
I hope you can fix this!