
Engine 'cheerio' not found. If this is a custom engine make sure it's properly installed from npm

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Hello, I'm getting an error when trying to use jsreport with cheerio engine, could you help me?

This is the error:

  "logged": true,
  "message": "Engine 'cheerio' not found. If this is a custom engine make sure it's properly installed from npm",
  "stack": "Error: Engine 'cheerio' not found. If this is a custom engine make sure it's properly installed from npm at module.exports (c:\Momentum\grupokasil_reports\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\util\createError.js:11:13) at Reporter.createError (c:\Momentum\grupokasil_reports\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\reporter.js:328:12) at invokeRender (c:\Momentum\grupokasil_reports\node_modules\jsreport core\lib\render\render.js:38:20) at module.exports (c:\Momentum\grupokasil_reports\node_modules\jsreport-core\lib\render\render.js:149:11)",
  "statusCode": 400,

My package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.3",
    "cheerio-page-eval": "^1.0.0",
    "jsreport-core": "^2.6.2",
    "jsreport-html-to-xlsx": "^2.4.1",

My implementation:

const jsreport = require('jsreport-core')({ tasks: { strategy: 'in-process' } });


async function createReport() {
  await jsreport.init();
  return await jsreport.render({
    template: {
      content: '<table><tr><td>Hello World!</td></tr></table>',
      engine: 'cheerio',
      recipe: 'html-to-xlsx'

hi @DiegoRugue you probably got confused a bit. cheerio is an html-engine which is part of jsreport-html-to-xlsx strategies to evaluate and convert html to excel. it is not a template engine (like handlebars, pug, jsrender, etc) so the expected usage is more like this:

const jsreport = require('jsreport-core')({ tasks: { strategy: 'in-process' } });


async function createReport() {
  try {
    await jsreport.init();

    const res = await jsreport.render({
      template: {
        content: '<table><tr><td>Hello World!</td></tr></table>',
        engine: 'none',
        htmlToXlsx: {
          htmlEngine: 'cheerio'
        recipe: 'html-to-xlsx'

    console.log(`render completed: ${res.meta.reportName}.${res.meta.fileExtension}`)
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Error while trying to render with jsreport:')
    throw e


also i'm sure you probably know but the last versions of the packages you are using looks like this:

"dependencies": {
    "cheerio-page-eval": "1.0.0",
    "jsreport-core": "2.7.2",
    "jsreport-html-to-xlsx": "2.6.0"

just a mention, in case you hit another error because you are not using the correct last versions

Hi @bjrmatos, It worked! Thanks for help!