
Subfolder support for Synology Diskstation

hhorn76 opened this issue · 2 comments

We are using a synology diskstation as our web server, would it be possible to add subfolder support?
Our smb share currently would look like this smb:///web/CasperShareTest. We need to be able to upload with the following recipe:


We have a similar issue of an SMB share and a sub folder that is our web share. It would be a useful ability to move packages to a sub folder of a network share. Perhaps some separation of the SMB connection function and the package move function so that the move is to a directory path, independent of the share mount.

SMB paths are dealt with in python-jss rather than JSSImporter. Specifically, in distribution_point.py. If you are willing to figure out a way of adding subfolder capability to SMB shares in python-jss, I welcome a pull request.