
A quick howto about how connect a Graylog-Server with the Elasticsearch-Mesos Framework on DC/OS.


A quick howto about how connect a Graylog-Server with the Elasticsearch-Mesos Framework on DC/OS.

Setup with DCOS-Packages

$ dcos package repo add universe-jstabenow https://github.com/jstabenow/dcos-packages/archive/version-2.x.zip
$ dcos package install elasticsearch
$ dcos package install mongodb
$ dcos package install graylog

Manual setup


  1. Install the Elasticsearch-Mesos Framework
  2. Start MongoDB and Graylog

Install Elasticsearch

That is easy ;-) Open the "Universe" of the DC/OS-UI and choose "Elasticsearch" or use the DC/OS-CLI:

$ dcos package install elasticsearch

The default framework settings I am working with:

  • Frameworkname: elasticsearch
  • Executorname: elasticsearch-executor
  • Clustername: mesos-ha

Start MongoDB and Graylog

Next steps are requiring the DC/OS CLI:

  1. Clone this repo
$ git clone https://github.com/jstabenow/dcos-graylog-elasticsearch
$ cd dcos-graylog-elasticsearch/
  1. Start MongoDB
$ dcos marathon app add mongodb.json
  1. Start Graylog

This requires a running Elasticsearch-Executor and the MongoDB!

Important Graylog-Enviroments:


To verify the port of the "GRAYLOG_ELASTICSEARCH_DISCOVERY_ZEN_PING_UNICAST_HOSTS" env., open the Elasticsearch-Framework-UI and check the "Transport IP" of the tasks page. If Mesos has assigned another port, please also change the value in the "graylog.json"

If everything is okay, start Graylog:

$ dcos marathon app add graylog.json

To obtain the address of the Graylog-UI, use

$ dcos marathon task list graylog --json

copy the values of "ipAddress" and the first port of "ports" into you browser e.g. "".
You can pick the address on the Marathon-UI alternativly.

That's it :-) Hope it works^^