
[i18n] Language selector

Closed this issue · 17 comments

Hey guys, translate the project it's a good idea! Did you already think about a language selector? If you want, I'm able to help.

Not yet, what do you proposes?

I was thinking in a simple drop-down on top of the page. Could be clean and useful, following the visual identity of project. What do you think?

I liked, I was studying the case and I found this dropdown on codepen.io:
It's a good dropdown, would be interesting if it had a flag of the country as well, isn't?

It's funny... you posted a drop-down using just CSS, and this project is just about JS. But I agree with you. If CSS can do the work by itself, why not?

And yes, I was thinking to put flags too. In this case, we will need to have flag images. There are many kits of flag-icons available for free. We will need to choose one to maintain uniformity.
What about if a make a test and send it to you as PR?

It is awesome drop-down using just css. 👍

Well done, we need to decide what kind of flag to use. What if we put here the options and then, make the decision together?

I found an open-source project with svg icons, flatten designed, tested and with sass/less support ready: flag-icon-css project

I liked, lets see what the soldiers think.

I made some tests and implemented locally this dropdown:

Do you like it? I accept suggestions.

Yes, it's good, but what if you put this below of the 'the right way' element, centered? What do you think? Is it more visible?

Hi man, I'll merge i18n with master next weekend, can you commit your changes and make a PR?

Yes, I can. I'm gonna do this ASAP.

Thanks! ⚡

I do not agree with the flags, flags represent countries, not languages. Although it may be a visual clue, it is much better to use the language name only

item4 commented

I do agree with @unluisco too.

Hi Soldiers, well, I agree with @unluisco too, so, let's only keep the languages names.
Is it good for you @gabrielfurini?

It really makes sense. But there's a change to be done on mobile version: just the flags are visible.