
Floating point exception(core dumped) when running wrapper script

misterhackerman opened this issue · 2 comments

This is lfub file:


# This is a wrapper script for lf that allows it to create image previews with
# ueberzug. This works in concert with the lf configuration file and the
# lf-cleaner script.

set -e


cleanup() {
    exec 3>&-
    ueberzugpp cmd -s "$ub_socket" -a exit

if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
    lf "$@"
    [ ! -d "$HOME/.cache/lf" ] && mkdir -p "$HOME/.cache/lf"
    ueberzugpp layer --silent --no-stdin --use-escape-codes --pid-file "$UB_PID_FILE"
    UB_PID=$(cat "$UB_PID_FILE")
    rm "$UB_PID_FILE"
    export UB_PID UB_SOCKET
    trap cleanup HUP INT QUIT TERM EXIT
    lf "$@" 3>&-

when i first boot the computer. it works successfully, after i close lfub, and then exit the terminal and start a new terminal and execute lfub I get this:

/home/anonymous/.local/bin/lfub: line 30: 26939 Floating point exception(core dumped) ueberzugpp layer --silent --no-stdin --use-escape-codes --pid-file "$UB_PID_FILE"
/tmp λ  export SPDLOG_LEVEL=debug
/tmp λ  lfub
/home/anonymous/.local/bin/lfub: line 30: 27776 Floating point exception(core dumped) ueberzugpp layer --silent --no-stdin --use-escape-codes --pid-file "$UB_PID_FILE"
/tmp λ  cat ueberzugpp-anonymous.log

 _   _      _
| | | |    | |                                _     _
| | | | ___| |__   ___ _ __ _____   _  __ _ _| |_ _| |_
| | | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__|_  / | | |/ _` |_   _|_   _|
| |_| |  __/ |_) |  __/ |   / /| |_| | (_| | |_|   |_|
 \___/ \___|_.__/ \___|_|  /___|\__,_|\__, |
                                       __/ |
                                      |___/     v2.9.4
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.715] [terminal] [info] TERM = xterm-256color
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.715] [terminal] [info] PTY = /dev/pts/0
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.715] [terminal] [debug] ioctl sizes: COLS=0 ROWS=0 XPIXEL=0 YPIXEL=0
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.715] [terminal] [debug] iterm2 is not supported
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.715] [terminal] [debug] ESC sizes XPIXEL=948 YPIXEL=1026
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] sixel is not supported
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] kitty is not supported
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] X11 is supported
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] Using fallback X11 window id 20971523
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] X11 sizes: XPIXEL=951 YPIXEL=1046
[2024-05-07 14:11:15.816] [terminal] [debug] Wayland is not supported

I don't know if i should include the coredump.
the issue is resolved by quitting dwm and starting again, i use startx. but then recreated by what I've provided earlier.
I use alacritty, dwm, arch linux.

I could also reproduce it like this:
launch alacritty
run ueberzugpp layer --silent --no-stdin --use-escape-codes --pid-file "file1"
close alacritty
launch alacritty
run ueberzugpp layer --silent --no-stdin --use-escape-codes --pid-file "file1"

Sorry it's a typo in the script $ub_socket instead of $UB_SOCKET.