
So far, how can I use this project in my solution to support linux?

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In the wiki and the issues, I couldn't find infomation like tutorial or guide or something like that.
I'd like to make a try with this project. Could anybody help?

Please we wanna contribute to this project, but we need some way to know how to build and run this solution. I tryed open in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows and has a lot of errors and i'm unabled to build

Normally you're going to compile the code by this command (took me ages to find out, maybe I'm too dumb but there is no good documentation about how to do it on Linux at all and no documentation about the requirements like gtk workload): dotnet cake --target=dotnet-pack --workloads=global --gtk

Then you'll install it locally: dotnet new install /artifacts/*.nupkg

Finally you should be able to use dotnet new templates to create maui apps on top of this codebase. However when I create a maui project, I am unable to compile it as it complains about missing net8.0-ios. When I adjust the TargetFrameworks in the csproj, I get the following error:

CSC : error CS5001: Program does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point

I've seen that there is an example project in src/Controls/samples: Controls.Sample.Gtk... However, I cannot build it: error CS0234: the type or namespace "Gtk" is not available in the namespace "Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Platform", hmm...

Btw the implementations between the template generated by package and the example differ much (the sample contains a main method, the template project does not).

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or is the codebase simply not ready yet to be used?