
A Java servlet CORS filter written against Java 8

Primary LanguageJava

CORS Filter

Provides a Java Servlet filter to manage CORS requests. This filter can be configured via JavaConfig or via a web.xml.

Requires Java 8.

But why?

Yes, there are already several of these filters out there. None of them support JavaConfig. And the one bundled with Tomcat was giving me issues on a project. So I wrote this simple implementation.


This library is available as a Maven artifact. Simply add the dependency:



web.xml config

  • cors.allowed.origins: a comma separated list of origins, e.g. "http://example.com". Default: "*"
  • cors.allowed.methods: a comma separated list of HTTP methods that are allowed to be used for CORS requests. Default: "GET,POST,HEAD,OPTIONS"
  • cors.allowed.headers: a comma separated list of allowed headers in a CORS request (they will be converted to all lower case). Default: "origin,accept,x-requested-with,content-type,access-control-request-method,access-control-request-headers"
  • cors.exposed.headers: a comma separated list of headers to expose via CORS requests. Default: ""
  • cors.preflight.maxage: number of seconds to allow clients to cache CORS preflight requests. Set to -1 to prevent the header from being sent. Default: 1800
  • cors.support.credentials: boolean indicating if the servlet supports CORS requests with credentials. Default: "true"


See the JavaDoc for the CorsFilterConfig class (it's brain dead simple).

