
Bug: transloco-keys-manager find returns wrong missing and extra keys

vshende2 opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Is this a regression?


Current behavior

{ provide: TRANSLOCO_SCOPE, useValue: 'home' }

HTML file: {{ t('home.page.title') }}
en.json: 'page.title': "Home"

transloco-keys-manager find returns below result:
Extra Keys: page.title or Missing Key: home.page.title

Expected behavior

Here scope is home, hence there is no missing key or extra key. You can check related to scope here https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngneat-transloco

Please provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bug


Transloco Config

module.exports = {
    rootTranslationsPath: 'assets/i18n/',
    langs: ['en'],

Debug Logs

No response

Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in

Transloco: 4.0.0
Transloco Keys Manager: 3.3.5
Node: 16.1.0
Package Manager: npm
OS:windows 2019 server

Additional context

No response

I would like to make a pull request for this bug


@vshende2 Please provide a reproduction link, take the time to create an example repo that shows cases of your issue, or alternatively open a PR to fix it. without providing the reproduction I won't fix this issue.

This is a mandatory field for a reason, opening an issue with "no-link" is not acceptable.

@shaharkazaz Sorry for that. Able to find out root cause. This issue occurs when we provide array to useValue:
{ provide: TRANSLOCO_SCOPE, useValue: ['home', 'common' ]}

'common' : if we want use keys from common (reusabale across app) en.json which can be used in different modules