aria-label should not be required when role="heading"
lifeiscontent opened this issue · 3 comments
lifeiscontent commented
lb- commented
I have confirmed that aria-label
is not required when using role="heading"
. See
heading role
A heading for a section of the page.To ensure elements with a role of heading are organized into a logical outline, authors MUST use the aria-level attribute to indicate the proper nesting level.
However, I am unable to reproduce the linting issue as described. This code below correctly produces no warning.
/* eslint
"jsx-a11y/role-has-required-aria-props": "warn",
const Heading = () => (
<div role="heading" aria-level={3}>
Vite + React
export default Heading;
Nonetheless I will prepare a PR that includes validity testing for this scenario.
lb- commented
We can probably close this issue now. PR with reinforcement tests have been added.