
The prop value with an expression type of JSXEmptyExpression could not be resolved.

quisido opened this issue · 7 comments

The prop value with an expression type of JSXEmptyExpression could not be resolved.

ESLint stack trace:
TypeError: LITERAL_TYPES[value.type] is not a function
Occurred while linting /**/*.tsx:*
Rule: "react/button-has-type"
    at getLiteralValue (/**/node_modules/jsx-ast-utils/lib/values/index.js:69:35)

Can you share the code that this crashed on?

I don't think I still have it, but it was something like this:

function MyComponent(): ReactElement {
  const buttonProps: (Required<Attributes> & ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>)[]= [
      children: 'test',
      key: 'test',
      onClick: (): void => {

  return <>
        ({ key, ...props }: Required<Attributes> & ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>): ReactElement =>
          <button key={key} type="button" {...props} />

key may not have been destructured at the time of the crash, though; and the type prop may have been missing.

Sorry that I can't provide an exact copy. Hope this helps.

So you can't reproduce the crash anymore?

I haven't tried. I have since fixed it in my codebase and do not have the opportunity to re-break it. I was hoping the information in the OP was enough.

<button {...props} /> where props is Required<Attributes> & ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> is as specific as I can be for the time being.

Unfortunately the snippet above doesn't seem to parse.

ok, i was able to fix the parse error, but it passes on the latest eslint-plugin-react. Are you sure you've got the latest version of that, and jsx-ast-utils, installed?

This also seems like the same as #107, so I'll close, unless we can reproduce it. Thanks for filing!