
Invalid XML received. Maybe https://xxx.xxx.xxx/http-bind/ was redirected. You should use an absolute url.

PAOK1926 opened this issue · 0 comments


  • JSXC version: 5.0.0
  • Host system and version: Nextcloud 23.0.8
  • Browser vendor and version: Any
  • Any browser plugins enabled? nothing special
  • XMPP server vendor and version: ejabberd 21.01-2
  • Is your XMPP server working with other clients as expected? yes with Adium, after I create an account

I have a Nextcloud working in a container. I also have nginx and Ejabberd running in another container.
first container is cloud.libero.fm, second is chat.libero.fm
take a look at the message of JavaScript Xmpp Client when it tries to validate chat.libero.fm...
the error message is: Invalid XML received. Maybe https://cloud.libero.fm/http-bind/ was redirected. You should use an absolute url. but its validating chat.xxx not cloud.xxx

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