Google Business Profile site harvester

Idea from this r/Entrepreneur thread. Thanks to the OP for an interesting idea!

How to use

  • Sign up for a SerpApi account, free tier gives you 100 searches per month, enough for about ~20 city searches.

    • ⚠️ Going over your quota means your searches will fail to load results!
  • In your SerpApi dashboard, copy the API key, then paste it into the settings.mjs file into the API_KEY field:

ex: if your API key is d34db33fd34db33fd34db33f then your settings.mjs file should look like this:

export default {
    API_KEY: 'd34db33fd34db33fd34db33f',
  • Clone this repo and install NodeJS dependencies
# Install dependencies
  • Run the script and put in any location specific parameters for your search. The more unique and specific the better. You can use niche keywords as well as location keywords as arguments

ex: if you're searching for Google Business Profile sites for Leeds, UK run the script like this:

yarn start Leeds UK

ex: Find Google Business Profile sites for cafes in York, UK run the script like this:

yarn start cafe York UK
  • You can edit the index.mjs file to specify a search provider:
    • for Google
    • for DuckDuckGo

Why don't I get more than about 300 results?

Short answer: Google limits the number of total results shown to visitors. See for yourself by performing the same search manually...

Long answers:


Public domain, baby!