
A P2P broker (NodeJS) and peer (browser) system with emphasis on games

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a P2P networking library that contains both the peer-client peer.js and the broker server broker.js to be used together as a system for discovering and connecting to other applications that use this system.

Usage: yarn add p2p.system

It is built upon PeerJS and adds:

  • connection security (via whitelist)
  • peer discovery
  • lobby chat

Server API

The broker.js module extends the PeerJS PeerServer with 3 additional endpoints:

  • POST /whitelist sets your own whitelist of the peers that can see you on this server
  • POST /peers retrieves the list of peers that have whitelisted your id
  • POST /lobby (can) send a message to the lobby chat and returns the current chat messages

Please take a look inside the source for further details, it is a mere 72 lines.

Client API

The peer.js module exports an object with functions organized by the stages of a p2p connection:

1. Bind handlers for various connection events

  • setOnConnectedToPeer(:function) sets callback for when peer connection is successful
  • setOnDataFromPeer(:function) sets callback for when data is received from a peer
  • setOnDisconnectFromPeer(:function) sets callback for when a peer disconnects
  • setOnDisconnectFromBroker(:function) sets callback for when connection to broker was lost unintentionally

2. Set parameters for connections

  • setBrokerURL(:string) set which broker server to connect to initially, for discovering peers
  • setPeerId(:string) set your own "username"
  • setPeerWhitelist(:csv-string) set your peer whitelist (list of "usernames" allowed to connect to you)

3. Connect to broker to discover peers and let them discover you

  • connectToBroker()
  • postLobbyChat(:string) send chat messages to others in the lobby
  • getActivePeers() retrieve list of peers that allowed you to see them

4. Connect to a peer and send data to them

  • connectToPeer(:string) attempt to establish a peer connection to a specific peer
  • sendToPeer(:peerjs-data-channel-object) send some data to the connected peer (object|blob|array|...)

5. Get your own id and that of the current / last P2P connection

  • getPeerIds() returns an object containing your own "username" and that of the peer, to whom you last / currently are connected

Please take a look inside the source for further details, it is a mere 240 lines.

Sample application

Here is a simple real-time artillery game that makes use of p2p.system: https://github.com/jsyang/artillery-p2p


MIT licensed.