
Running npm run test hangs

masimplo opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems that jest is hanging for some reason on the current version of the repo.

I am using node v10.15.3 and npm 6.4.1

Thanks for reporting. I need more info because it works for me just fine.
Screenshot 2019-05-21 at 08 54 40

I clone the repo, do npm i, run npm t and it hangs.
Screenshot 2019-05-21 10 00 16

I really don't know what else might be different. What would you like me to check?
MacOS 10.14.4
Node 10.15.3
Npm 6.4.1

Global packages:

  • @angular/cli@7.3.8
  • cordova@8.0.0
  • ionic@4.12.0
  • npm@6.4.1

PS: Also tried installing dependencies with Yarn instead, but same thing happens.

Sorry, but I can't reproduce it. I did a clean clone/install and it finishes just fine. The only difference I see is that I have npm 6.9.0

It looks that this is an issue with jest and not your repo in particular. Sorry for the confusion, but I thought it was some configuration issue as I have successfully used jest in the past in other projects.

Issue link

Fix: brew uninstall watchman

Thanks for looking into this.