
Remove tsutils

Darter90 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello there.

I noticed that your project contains tsutils; this library hasn't been maintained for a year now, creating problems to others libraries like typescript-eslint.

Check this discussion link here and evaluate to remove it and clean your NPM dependencies.

Best regards and thanks for your work.

Thanks. I am monitoring this, and a few other similar issues regarding tsutils. However, as you can see, the issue you linked is still open and a relevant PR porting the functionality to type-utils is still in a Draft state. There is currently no suitable alternative.

creating problems to others libraries like typescript-eslint.

How npm resolves and installs dependencies, there should be no conflict with other libraries.

I am going to close this issue as non-actionable (presently) to keep it out of my queue. But keep commenting if you have any alternatives or suggestions.