
This is a small tool I've written for learning Tensorflow to recognize handwritten digits.

Primary LanguagePython

Handwritten Digit Recognizer

This is a small tool I've written for learning Tensorflow to recognize handwritten digits. You can write a digit in the box with mouse or tablet, and the program will recognize it and display the probabilities of each categories. Press the right mouse button to clear the image. Click the button on the right, and the program will save the image in the corresponding directory.



  • Python
  • PySide
  • Tensorflow
  • python-opencv
  • numpy


Before use, you need to execute the following command to install dependencies.

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can run the tool by the following command:

python recognize.py


The tool uses a simple neural network architecture shown in the table below to recognize digits. The network is trained on the MNIST dataset (http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/).

layer parameter shape
input 28x28x1
conv kernel 5x5 filters 6 strides 1 padding 2 28x28x6
relu 28x28x6
pool max_pooling stride 2 14x14x6
conv kernel 5x5 filters 16 strides 1 padding 0 10x10x16
relu 10x10x16
pool max_pooling stride 2 5x5x16
conv kernel 5x5 filters 32 strides 1 padding 0 1x1x32
flatten 32
dense hidden_units 64 64
relu 64
dense hidden_units 10 10

You can modify the relevant code in tf_predict.py to use your own neural network architecture.

Thanks to Yann LeCun, for both MNIST and LeNet-5.