"missing service credentials for application"
afeld opened this issue · 5 comments
Oops, submitted too early. cf env
runs fine, but I run into the error above when running cf copyenv
$ cf --version
cf version 6.12.4-b4b6af1-2015-09-18T17:54:54+00:00
$ cf env slackin
Getting env variables for app slackin in org 18f / space chat as aidan.feldman@gsa.gov...
No running env variables have been set
No staging env variables have been set
$ cf copyenv slackin
error: missing service credentials for application
I don't really know Go, but is it possible that the plugin breaks if you don't have any services attached to an application?
I think it does.
Can I ask what you're hoping to achieve with the "copyenv" plugin if you don't have service credentials bound to your application?
I have User-Provided environment variables (questionable, I know), so was just hoping to grab those.
The plugin doesn't currently support exporting anything but the VCAP_SERVICES credentials.
I have another issue (#1) open for adding support for VCAP_APPLICATION. I'll look at adding this feature in when I fix that bug...
I've merged a PR to add this feature.